Dear Attica Central School District Families, I am heartbroken that once again we are experiencing the horror of a mass shooting in our country. To have it take place in Buffalo, a community so near to us, and in a Tops store, creates a frightening reality that this type of violence can happen anywhere. It reminds us that we need to care for one another and check on the health and wellbeing – both physical and mental – of our family and friends. It also reminds all of us that if we see violent or alarming behavior, we should report it. Our children are impacted by mass violence in ways that they may have difficulty expressing. In our schools, we are monitoring our students and looking for any signs that a student may be having difficulty dealing with this tragedy. Should you have questions or concerns regarding your child(ren), please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s school counselor, nurse, teacher, or principal. There are many resources available for children and parents that our staff members can help families access. As much as possible, we need to reassure our children that they are safe and that we will do our very best to protect them. We also need to condemn the hatred that leads to violence in our communities. Truly, we must seek to find the connections we have with one another versus the differences. I know our community joins me in praying for the victims in Buffalo and their families. I pray also that this kind of violence ends and that our communities are safe so that our children may grow and thrive without fear. Sincerely, Tim Hayes Interim Superintendent
almost 3 years ago, Superintendent's Office
ATTICA CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING A Special Meeting of the Attica Central School District Board of Education will be held on Monday, April 25, 2022, at 7:15 pm at the Attica Hotel, 28 Exchange St, Attica, NY 14011 for the purpose of Executive Session. By Order of the Board of Education Attica Central School District Rebecca Sphar, District Clerk
almost 3 years ago, District Office
Attica Central School currently has a live, online, public auction for surplus items open until April 27th. Interested bidders may view the items at:
almost 3 years ago, Attica Central School District
ATTICA CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING A Special Meeting of the Attica Central School District Board of Education will be held on Thursday, April 21, 2022, at 5:45 pm at the Attica’s 10th Hole & Golf Course at 95 Bunnell Street, Attica, NY 14011 for the purpose of approving the 2022-23 Property Tax Report Card. By Order of the Board of Education Attica Central School District Rebecca Sphar, District Clerk
almost 3 years ago, District Office
Dear Attica Central Families; In an effort to alleviate safety issues during the Middle and High School dismissal time, we want to remind drivers who pick up students to please be aware of the following items: 1. Students are to be picked up in the section of the loop between the bus loop crosswalk and the south end of the parent loop (towards the stadium). Do not pick up students before reaching the traffic cone on the sidewalk in the loop. Please pull up in the loop as far as possible and allow your student to walk to your vehicle. 2. Dismissal for Middle and High School students is 3:10 pm. Cars arriving for pick up far in advance of dismissal cause vehicles to park on the shoulder of State Route 238 (East Main Street Road.) This creates safety issues for pedestrians and for vehicles trying to enter and exit the school lots. Once pick-up begins, cars move quickly through the loop. The entire pick-up loop is empty in 5 minutes. There is no need to arrive early. Being attentive to these important safety reminders will help us keep traffic moving and keep all of our students safe. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
almost 3 years ago, Superintendent's Office
The 2022-23 School Calendar is available here:
almost 3 years ago, District Office
***Offsite Meeting in Sheldon***This week's Board of Education Meeting will be held on Thursday, March 24, 2022, at 7:00 pm at the Weber Hall of St. John Neumann Church, 991 Centerline Rd., Strykersville, NY 14145.
almost 3 years ago, Becky Sphar
NOTICE OF SPECIAL BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING A Special Meeting of the Attica Central School District Board of Education will be held on Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 4:00pm in the District Office Conference Room, 3338 E. Main Street, Attica, NY 14011, for the purpose of convening in Executive Session. By Order of the Board of Education, Attica Central School District, Rebecca Sphar, District Clerk
about 3 years ago, Becky Sphar
REMINDER: NON-PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION REQUESTS: According to New York State law, local public school districts are obligated to provide transportation for their resident children to non-public school, within the conditions specified by law. If you desire public school transportation for the 2022-23 school year, a written request listing one school, must be provided to us no later than April 1, 2022. The distance between home and school may not exceed 19.5 miles. Please address your request to: Attica Central School District, District Office-Transportation Request, 3338 E. Main Street, Attica, NY 14011.
about 3 years ago, Becky Sphar
Dear Attica Central School District Families, Governor Hochul has announced that the “Statewide mask requirement in schools will be lifted effective Wednesday, March 2. Since the Governor’s announcement, we have consulted with the Wyoming County Department of Health (WCDOH) regarding the use of masks in schools. The Wyoming County School Districts and WCDOH have determined it is appropriate to follow NYS and CDC guidance on mask usage in schools, and not impose additional requirements. This determination is based on the COVID-19 data from Wyoming County. With this information in mind, the following is in effect for the Attica Central School District: As of March 2, 2022, face coverings will be optional in all buildings for all events. One exception to being mask optional is that any individual who has isolated for five days due to being COVID-19 positive, must wear a mask for days six through ten upon returning to school. For any individuals who choose to wear a mask, we will make N95 masks available in all of our school buildings. This includes smaller masks for students. Whether to wear a mask or not is a personal and/or family decision. All choices will be honored and accepted. I ask all to be considerate of each individual’s personal choice. As is always the case at Attica Central, we will proceed with grace toward all. Sincerely, Tim Hayes, Interim Superintendent
about 3 years ago, District Office
Announcement: All afterschool and evening activities have been cancelled today, Tuesday, March 1st, due to a power outage in the village.
about 3 years ago, Attica Central School District
Reminder: the Board of Education Meeting tonight will be held at 7:00pm at the North Java Firehall located at 4272 Route 98, North Java, NY 14113.
about 3 years ago, District Office
On Thursday, Attica Central will be sending home COVID-19 test kits with all of our students and staff. New York State has provided these tests so that all students and staff can be tested prior to returning to school following our Winter Break. Directions for the use of the tests will be sent home with the tests. Please be on the lookout for your child’s test when they get home from school on Thursday. Thank you.
about 3 years ago, District Office
Reminder: For MSHS parent pickup at dismissal time, please pull forward as far as possible and continue to do so while waiting in your vehicle. This helps to keep things moving and avoids congestion. Thank you for your cooperation.
about 3 years ago, Attica Central School District
***Tomorrow***Monday, February 7, will be School Spirit Day! Join us in celebrating our Blue Devil Pride by wearing orange & blue!!
about 3 years ago, Attica Central School District
School is closed today, Friday, February 4th, due to the current weather situation.
about 3 years ago, Attica Central School District
Due to the current weather situation, all afterschool activities and events are cancelled today, Thursday, February 3rd.
about 3 years ago, Attica Central School District
The letter below represents the opinion of the superintendents in the Genesee Valley BOCES based on our experiences in our own districts and counties. It was sent to Governor Hochul and our elected state legislators. We are hopeful that decision making for our districts regarding mitigation practices for COVID-19 will return to the local level.
about 3 years ago, District Office
Letter from Superintendents
Page 2
Please see the following message from the Superintendent: An appellate court issued a stay yesterday on Monday's mask mandate ruling from Nassau County. This stay keeps the mask mandate for schools in place at least through this coming Friday. Therefore, please continue to follow our current requirement that all individuals be masked during indoor school activities. If new guidance is issued by the New York State Education Department, we will communicate that guidance as quickly as possible. The continued patience and grace of our school community is valued and appreciated as we deal with all of the issues that surround COVID-19.
about 3 years ago, District Office