Student athletes Skyler Savage, Ellie Cusmano, Geoff Eisensmith and Jack Janes attended an athletic leadership conference yesterday at Pinnacle Sports Athletic Facility in Victor.
Sponsored by Section V, the conference featured student speakers from Section V’s Student Athletic Advisory Committee and presentations centered on topics like controlling your mindset, balancing yourself and teammates and developing teamwork.
“There was also a strength and conditioning coach speaking, as well as a group of coaches including the University of Rochester women’s softball coach, Alfred University men’s basketball coach and two college athletes,” said Rob Crowley, a coach at Attica who attended the conference with the student athletes. “They spoke about finding a strong balance in your life between sports, academics and life and being smart about travel athletics.”
Crowley, who was joined at the conference by fellow Attica coach Jeff Cusmano, said the conference served as a great reminder for student athletes that balance in life is the key to staying happy and productive as people.
“When we are happy and healthy we perform at our best,” said Crowley. “It was also a great chance for the four athletes from Attica to help see themselves as leaders in our halls and on the athletic fields.”