Kiel Illg.

By now, you’ve probably realized I’m big on reflection. Looking back over the past school year, it’s bracing to see how far we’ve come.

Our progress over these past 10 months is due, first and foremost, to our students and their dedication to and passion for learning. From academic accomplishments to artistic performances and athletic triumphs, they’ve demonstrated what it means to strive for excellence. 

Our dedicated staff members also deserve special recognition. Teachers, administrators, and support staff have gone above and beyond to create an environment where every student can thrive. Despite the challenges they faced, I’m proud of our faculty and staff for remaining focused on providing a high-quality education for our students.

This year, we also faced and overcame significant financial challenges. Through prudent management and a shared commitment to our mission, we navigated these obstacles without compromising the quality of education. 

I’m deeply grateful for the support of our community, which voted in May to approve our 2024-25 budget proposal as well as our proposed capital improvement project.

To the voters who recognized the importance of investing in our schools and the future of our children, we extend our heartfelt thanks. Your approval of this project will allow us to enhance our facilities, provide state-of-the-art learning environments and ensure the safety and well-being of our students for years to come.

As we look ahead, we are excited about the opportunities this capital project will bring. Modernized classrooms, updated technology, and improved infrastructure will create learning environments our entire community can be proud of and allow us to continue in Attica’s tradition of excellence. 

I also want to recognize the important work of our Strategic Planning Committee.

This committee, which included administrators, teachers, staff, Board of Education members, students and parents, met several times this year to create a strategic plan for our district.

As part of this effort, our committee decided on 4 core principles: Student-centered approach, positive and respectful culture, community and relationships and innovation and creativity. These principles speak to our community’s unique values and will, along with our strategic plan itself, help guide district decision-making in the future. 

I encourage everyone to read the strategic plan summary we’ve posted on our website. It offers more detail about our core principles and how each will impact our district’s operations on a day-to-day basis. You can access the summary by clicking here.

I’d also ask you to consider taking the online survey we’ve set up to gather feedback on our plan. Your input will help ensure our plan accurately reflects the feelings and values of our community. You can access the survey by clicking here

I thank you for your continued support of our district and wish you a happy and restful summer. We’ll see you in September for another year of growth, learning and success.


Dr. Kiel Illg

Superintendent of Schools