Question. What is the Attica Central School’s Budget for next year?
Answer. The proposed budget for the 2023-24 school year is $32,304,940. This represents a budget to budget increase of 0.66%. As we look ahead to the 2023-24 school year, we recognize that there will be a need to not only maintain the instructional and extracurricular program that we have but expand key elements in order to help our students achieve the success and growth that they both need and deserve. The proposed budget allows us to continue with these important programs, ensuring that the needs of our students (academic as well as social and emotional) are met. Additionally, the proposed budget allows us to maintain outstanding facilities that are clean, safe and meet the programming needs that we have.
Q. Why are Budget Increases necessary?
A. Annual budget increases are necessary in order to maintain and support the academic needs of our students, employee contractual obligations, and properly maintain our school buildings. Contractual wage increases and increases in healthcare and retirement costs have a significant impact on school district budgets. The Attica Board of Education has worked to control these costs while appropriately staffing all of the District’s operations.
Q. Were there any reductions made in the 2023-2024 Proposed Budget?
A. In response to decreasing enrollment and a narrowing of the criteria for utilizing federal funds to support particular teaching positions, a number of existing positions are being eliminated for 2023-2024 school year. These staffing reductions include teachers and staff in the following areas: 7-12 Math AIS, 7-12 LOTE,(2) K-12 AIS Reading, 0.5 FTE Physical Education, and 0.5 FTE Business, 1.0 FTE Administrator, 1.0 FTE COTA position. These position reductions will create changes in assignment for some of our existing staff members. However, there will be no negative impact to any academic programs.
Q. Is the District utilizing fund balance and reserves to support the proposed budget?
A. Yes. The Board of Education has appropriated use of reserves and fund balance totaling $2,256,362 for the 2023-24 school year. This is an increase of $100,001 over the prior year. Laws and regulations dictate how districts can utilize their reserves. For example, the Capital Reserve can only be used for “capital project work” and must be approved by the voters. Q. Why is Proposition #3 on the ballot needed? A. The district’s current contract with Student Transportation of America expires June 30, 2023. Therefore, the district had to put student transportation services out to bid for the start of the 2023-24 school year. Proposition #3 represents the bid the district received from Student Transportation of America for transportation services for the next three years.
Q. How is the District going to use the Federal Stimulus Funds they are receiving?
A. The District has been notified of our Federal Stimulus Fund allocations that will be available between now and September 30, 2024. As required, approved plans are posted on the District’s website. In accordance with the grant parameters, as these plans are changed they will be updated regularly on the website as well. As noted in the budget newsletter, the plans for these funds are being put together in a way that avoids a “funding cliff” with the expiration of these funds. We are also strategically utilizing these funds over time in order to maximize their effectiveness, so we will be using them through September of 2024, allowing us to use these funds to meet the needs of students over multiple school years. The majority of the funds are designated for spending in specific areas. These include after-school programs, summer learning and interventions due to learning loss as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic school closures and interruptions. Our plans utilize funds to supplement existing programs and to provide increased opportunities for students to receive instruction or enrichment as the grant conditions allow, with an emphasis on after-school and summer opportunities, as well as increasing our capacity to help students with their mental health and social-emotional learning needs through the increase of available personnel and services in these areas. We are also using the funds to ensure that transportation is provided for both after-school and summer programming in order to make these opportunities available to as many students as possible. We anticipate adjustments being made to all of the plans relative to these federal funds and will strive to steward them wisely in order to meet the most immediate and important needs of our students.
Q. How much revenue is the District receiving from New York State?
A. In total, the District will receive $17,972,626 in total aid from New York State. This includes Foundation Aid for general education support as well as expense-based aids for BOCES programs and transportation. This amount represents an increase of 1.98% from the 22-23 school year.
Q. What is the local tax levy for this budget?
A. The total tax levy for this year is $10,974,609.
Q. What is the proposed tax levy increase?
A. The proposed tax levy increase for the 2023-2024 school year is 1.99% or $214,133. The District’s tax cap calculation allowed the District to seek a tax levy increase of 3.74% without seeking a super majority vote. However, the Board of Education recognized that this has been a challenging year for everyone, and worked hard to balance the needs of students of the District with their responsibility to the taxpayers of the District. Ultimately, the Board determined that a total tax levy increase of 1.99% was suitable to support the District’s programs and operations.
Q. How do Attica’s taxes compare to other schools?
A. Attica’s tax rate per thousand for 2022-23 is $13.25. Attica has historically had one of the lowest tax rates in the Genesee Valley BOCES region. Rates range from $11.99 to $23.30 per thousand. The 2023-24 tax rate is projected to be $13.51 per $1,000. This is a $0.26 increase to the tax rate per $1,000.
Q. How does the proposed tax levy increase impact my personal school tax bill?
A. Please refer to the chart below on how this budget would impact taxes on the following homes. The chart shows homes without STAR, Basic STAR and the Enhanced Senior Star Exemptions. For example, a home assessed at $100,000 with Enhanced STAR would receive a $78,140 reduction in taxable value. Therefore, the homeowners bill will decrease in total by $37.25. If your township’s equalization rate is 100%, the tax rate is projected to be $13.51 per $1,000.
Q. Is the STAR program still in effect?
A. Yes. The STAR program is in effect, for more information visit:
Q. I am still confused with the increase in property assessments. How will this affect my school taxes?
A. The school is not involved in any increase or decrease with your property assessment. If you have questions with regard to your assessment you should contact your town tax assessor.
Q. What happens if the budget is defeated?
A. If a school district budget is defeated, the Board of Education may choose to hold a second vote or go directly to a contingency budget. A contingency budget only funds salaries and other ordinary contingent expenses that are legally obligated or necessary to maintain education, safety and property. Contingency budgets generally do not allow for the purchase of equipment, nonessential maintenance, capital expenditures or any public use of school property that would have associated costs.
Q. How can I view the public hearing?
A. The public hearing will be held on May 4, 2023 at 6:30 pm in the High School Cafeteria. It will be open for in-person attendance and a recording of the public hearing will be available on the Attica Central School District website.
Q. Who are the candidates for the three open seats on the Board of Education?
A: There are four candidates running for the three open seats: Pamela Rudolph, Brian Fugle, Michael Janes and Rosalynn Repka (see the image of a sample ballot below). Toward the end of the public hearing, candidates will be given the opportunity to speak if they so choose. To view the recording of the hearing, please visit the Attica Central School District website at